Free Preview
Critical Thinking
for Problem-Solving and Decision-Making

Enhance your thinking with a critical thinking framework and toolset that you can immediately apply in your job and your life.

In the Curriculum below:
Lessons Marked - PREVIEW are actual lessons from the Full Course
Lessons Marked - Partial Preview are snippets from the Full Course
Lessons Marked - Full Course Only are only available in the Full Course for enrolled learners.

Learn the Framework and a pragmatic critical thinking toolset and apply them to problem solving, decision making, innovation and leadership.

Make Critical Thinking a core competency skill set for your career

Write your awesome label here.
    • 42 Lessons
    • 2.5 hours of video content
    • 17 downloadable PDF's
    • 16 Activities
    • 4-6 hours (including activities)
    • $249

Course Curriculum

The lessons marked "PREVIEW" are actual lessons from the full course.

Course Includes

  • A Critical Thinking Framework and Toolset you can immediately put to use

  • Lectures by Mike Kallet, author of Think Smarter
  • Graphics and Slides
  • Multiple practice activities using Thinksheets
  • Downloadable PDF forms for in course and after course use
  • Access to course and materials for one year

Meet the instructor

Mike Kallet

Michael Kallet founded HeadScratchers in 2004 with the goal of helping business professionals become better problem solvers and decision makers, i.e. Headscratchers. He created the curriculum and has delivered hundreds of critical thinking workshops to thousands of people.

Kallet is an expert in the critical thinking field and is a critical thinking trainer, coach, and authored “Think Smarter - Critical Thinking to Improve Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills”. (2014) published by Wiley & Sons, and sold at every major book reseller worldwide. Mike has been a keynote speaker and has conducted critical thinking speeches and webinars for multiple functions and conferences.

Prior to forming Headscratchers, Kallet was a technology and operations senior executive with 25 years of experience in leading teams that created numerous award-winning products and services spanning computer and communications technologies and markets.

Mike Kallet - Course Instructor

What our customers say

The course content is nothing short of exceptional. It covers a wide spectrum of critical thinking concepts, from the fundamentals to advanced techniques. What sets this course apart is its accessibility; it's designed in a way that both beginners and those with some prior knowledge can benefit significantly. The course materials were comprehensive and thoughtfully organized. Regular quizzes kept me engaged and helped reinforce the knowledge gained in each module. If you're seeking to enhance your critical thinking abilities and elevate your problem-solving skills, look no further!

Maggie Peña

Personally, I like this self-paced better than the live version just because you can work at your own pace. I think it is nice that you don’t have to rush through and can complete things on your time. It is very organized and well put together. I was able to get a better knowledge on critical thinking!

 Kendra Nymeyer

The critical thinking framework and techniques in this course were easy to understand and implement, yet powerful and enlightening. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to improve their decision making skills.

David Bauer

Highly recommend for corporate teams.   In today's business environment, the stakes are higher for getting to the best solution quickly. The Headscratchers toolkit is easy to put into action to drive high performance through common language and practices for individuals and teams. 

 Erika Strandell

Fantastic course! Life changing! This course is extremely well-done, with thought-provoking information, real-life examples, and insightful activities to bring it home. I will never think about thinking the same way!

Carol Brush

A practical framework to improve your thinking and decisions. Mike's framework is a great approach to being more intentional in your critical thinking and decision-making. It's practical - meaning less focused on theory and more focused on a proven framework that's easy to understand, follow and gets results!

Randy Campbell

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